‐ Komuro Consulting Group ‐

Our Organizational Form

1.Organizational Transition(Masashi KOMURO, 2011)

Organizational Transition(Masashi KOMURO, 2011)
Keywords:Hierarchical Organization, Matrix Organization, Network Organization, Autonomous Team Type Organization,
Empowerment, Control, Flexibility, Control, Restriction, Balance, Paradox

2.Social Trends(Masashi KOMURO, 2011)

Social Trends(Masashi KOMURO, 2011)
Keywords:Societal, Trends, Past, Present, Future, Organization, Information, Government, Family,
Hierarchical, Autonomous, Distribute, Collaborative, Cooperative, Bureaucratic Control, Centralization,
Separation of Power, Decentralization of Authority, Expanded Family, Large Family, Stepfamily, Nuclear Family

3.Autonomous Distributed Collaboration-based Organization(Masashi KOMURO, 2011)

● Leader : Human or Identity or Vision etc
● Element(Components of the Organization) : Autonomy, Distribution, Collaboration
● Driver(Driving force of the Organization) : Empowerment, Control ※Organization = F(Empowerment, Control)
● Decision-Making Process : Top-down, Middle-up, Middle-down, Bottom-up ※Leadership and Followership

HPWS : High-Performance Work Systems

3-1.Definition of Autonomous and Distributed and Collaborative(Masashi KOMURO, 2011)
Definition of Autonomous and Distributed and Collaborative(Masashi KOMURO, 2011)
Keywords:Autonomous, Distributed, Collaborative, Unit, One for All, All for One

3-2.ADC-based Organization Concept(Masashi KOMURO, 2011)
ADC-based Organization Concept(Masashi KOMURO, 2011)
Keywords:Autonomy, Distribution, Collaboration, Empowerment, Control, Element, Driver, Optimization, High Performance Organization

3-3.Characteristics of ADC-based Organization(Masashi KOMURO, 2011)
Characteristics of ADC-based Organization(Masashi KOMURO, 2011)
Keywords:Organization, Empowerment, Control, Leader, Mini-Leader, Manager, Follower, Top-down,
Middle-up, Middle-down, Bottom-up, Leadership, Followership, Identity, Vision, HPWS, High-Performance Work Systems

4.Empowerment/Control and Individual/Organization(Masashi KOMURO, 2011)

Empowerment/Control and Individual/Organization(Masashi KOMURO, 2011)
Keywords:Empowerment, Control, Balance, Large Organization, Small Organization, Individual

5.The Framework of ADC-based Organization(Masashi KOMURO, 2011)

The Framework of ADC-based Organization(Masashi KOMURO, 2011)
Keywords:Framework, Full ADC-based Organization, Semi ADC-based Organization, Non ADC-based Organization,
Element, Driver, Autonomy, Distribution, Collaboration, Empowerment, Control


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