※SemiSelf : The Appropriate Division of Roles between Our Clients and Our Consultants※

Features of SemiSelf(Masashi KOMURO, 2011)
Keywords:SemiSelf, Service Quality, Cost, SemiSelf Services, Self Services, Full Services

SemiSelf Service(Masashi KOMURO, 2011)
Keywords:SemiSelf, Support, Money, Self, Time, Full Service, Full Self, Consulting, Cost

SemiSelf ≪ Case : R+STP+MM+I+C ≫(Masashi KOMURO, 2011)
Keywords:Create New Values and Premiums, Support, Money, Self, Time, Research, Segmentation,
Targeting, Positioning, Marketing Mix, Implementation, Control

SemiSelf ≪ Case : STP + Marketing Mix ≫(Masashi KOMURO, 2011)
Keywords:Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning, Product, Price, Place, Promotion, 4P’s,
Customer Value, Customer Cost, Convenience, Communication, 4C’s

SemiSelf ≪ Case : AIDMA or AIDA ≫(Masashi KOMURO, 2011)
Keywords:Create New Values and Premiums, Attention, Interest, Desire, Memory, Action,
Recognition stage, Emotional stage, Behavioral stage

SemiSelf ≪ Case : Finished Thing ≫(Masashi KOMURO, 2011)
Keywords:Create New Values and Premiums, Material, Ingredient, Semi-finished Thing, Finished Thing, Original Finished Thing

SemiSelf ≪ Case : Eating and Drinking ≫(Masashi KOMURO, 2011)
Keywords:Create New Values and Premiums, Shopping, Cooking, Serving, Eating, Drinking, Clearing

SemiSelf ≪ Case : Questionnaire ≫(Masashi KOMURO, 2011)
Keywords:Questionnaire, Logic, Data, Formulation of Problem, Define Concept, Scaling,
Sampling, Data Acquisition, Analysis of Data

Our Domain | 

  1. semiself.com
  2. semiself.org
  3. semiself.net
  4. semiself.biz
  5. semiself.info
