Individual and Group and Organization(Masashi KOMURO, 2011)

Keywords:Individual, Group, Organization, Elements, Role, Relationship,
Boundary, Goal, Behavior, Structure, Role Behavior
Boundary, Goal, Behavior, Structure, Role Behavior
Individual and Group and Organization(Masashi KOMURO, 2011)

Keywords:Individual, Group, Organization, Individuals, Definition
Organizational Transition(Masashi KOMURO, 2011)

Keywords:Hierarchical Organization, Matrix Organization, Network Organization, Autonomous Team Type Organization,
Empowerment, Control, Flexibility, Control, Restriction, Balance, Paradox
Empowerment, Control, Flexibility, Control, Restriction, Balance, Paradox
Social Trends(Masashi KOMURO, 2011)

Keywords:Societal, Trends, Past, Present, Future, Organization, Information, Government, Family,
Hierarchical, Autonomous, Distribute, Collaborative, Cooperative, Bureaucratic Control, Centralization,
Separation of Power, Decentralization of Authority, Expanded Family, Large Family, Stepfamily, Nuclear Family
Hierarchical, Autonomous, Distribute, Collaborative, Cooperative, Bureaucratic Control, Centralization,
Separation of Power, Decentralization of Authority, Expanded Family, Large Family, Stepfamily, Nuclear Family
Definition of Autonomous and Distributed and Collaborative(Masashi KOMURO, 2011)

Keywords:Autonomous, Distributed, Collaborative, Unit, One for All, All for One
Definition of ADC-based Organization(Masashi KOMURO, 2011)

Keywords:Autonomous, Distributed, Collaborative, Cooperation, System, One for All, All for One
ADC-based Organization Concept(Masashi KOMURO, 2011)

Keywords:Autonomy, Distribution, Collaboration, Empowerment, Control, Element, Driver, Optimization, High Performance Organization
Characteristics of ADC-based Organization(Masashi KOMURO, 2011)

Keywords:Organization, Empowerment, Control, Leader, Mini-Leader, Manager, Follower, Top-down,
Middle-up, Middle-down, Bottom-up, Leadership, Followership, Identity, Vision, HPWS, High-Performance Work Systems
Middle-up, Middle-down, Bottom-up, Leadership, Followership, Identity, Vision, HPWS, High-Performance Work Systems
Empowerment/Control and Individual/Organization(Masashi KOMURO, 2011)

Keywords:Empowerment, Control, Balance, Large Organization, Small Organization, Individual
The Framework of ADC-based Organization(Masashi KOMURO, 2011)

Keywords:Framework, Full ADC-based Organization, Semi ADC-based Organization, Non ADC-based Organization,
Element, Driver, Autonomy, Distribution, Collaboration, Empowerment, Control
Element, Driver, Autonomy, Distribution, Collaboration, Empowerment, Control